The Audeez Filter Search creates a refined and tailored approach to finding the most relevant talent throughout the performing arts industry. With 6 different filter options to add to your search, this brings true refined results like never before. Audeez have been able to modernise the way industry professionals are identified and approached. We can now carry out searches which are more time efficient, more accurate and more relevant; resulting in an easier and more effective talent-sourcing process. By stretching the talent pool much wider and deeper than ever before, you can identify more performing artists, access multiple pieces of content per person or locate a specific handful of specific artists at the click of a button. If you're a manager scouting for new and upcoming talent, no longer will you have to use old traditional methods, filtered search is now the easiest, most time efficient and accurate approach to take.
Connect with users.
Join Community pages.
Connect with users and join community pages on Audeez. We have a connect section and a communities section within the platform, both centralised in building professional relationships within the performing arts industry. Connect is what drives Audeez to help every user network with others in the industry, find the talent they require and help find the industry professionals they have been looking for. But it doesn't stop there, creating an event but do not have a venue? Our Facilities section within connect can make this happen. Do you want to continuously improve your craft? Use connect to find the tools, support and people you are looking for. What more could you need? Well, that brings us to community. Community is a feature that brings all of our users together. If you are "Involved" in a community page, you're part of a group with similar interests in which you can openly discuss your work and abilities to get advice and support from peers who may be at different stages in their performing arts journey. You also have the ability to start your own communities where you feel it would be beneficial, or simply fun to discuss and socially network with other artists who share your same interests.
Upload as Simple as
1 2 3
Through the Upload section of the app you can post your music and full length videos within minutes, all it takes is the 3 simple steps as shown. The third and final step is where it gets interesting using Audeez Tags. Our Audeez tags consist of Industry/Genre/Performance Type. These tags are what connect your artwork with Filter Searches carried out by industry professionals, making the direct, tailored connection between artist and industry scouts. Audeez tags also define your work, giving every single viewer an accurate but simple understanding of who you are, and what you are creating.
Audeez allows every single user to express their talents and abilities in their own creative but professional way. Audeez profiles bring the performing arts talent pools to life. By putting a person behind every name, a voice behind every song and a face behind every audition, Audeez empowers its users to express their creative abilities through the multitude of features on their profiles. With an easy-to-read overview of each user, it will breakdown their music genre, experience levels, goals and content allowing third parties to highlight their key selling points quickly. The freedom to make each profile tailored to each individual is why Audeez offers a unique platform for expressing the inner artist in everybody.
Who's Performing?
On Audeez, you can be.
From hosting Live Videos and Audio Performances, to searching for A-List events you could only dream of attending. Simply look under the "In your Area" section to discover events and performances which appeal to you. State you're "Going" to your favourite performances and buy tickets directly on Audeez. Performances brought to your fingertips.